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Preventive Medicine Research Center
Preventive Medicine Research Center

Preventive Medicine Research Center
21 Century Medicine
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Clinical Preventive medicine is an integral part of preventive medicine concerned with the maintenance and promotion of health and reduction of risk factors which result in injury and disease.

The goal of preventive medicine is to:
- Assess risk of individuals for disease, using techniques such as screening and health risk assessment tools.
- Implement interventions to modify or eliminate individuals' risk for disease/injury, using biologic, behavioral, and environmental approaches.
- Organize and mange practice settings to facilitate the integration and monitoring of personal preventive services and be an advocate for health promotion activities for the individual.
- Apply risk assessment, risk reductions, and media techniques to communities and populations including employee groups: be an advocate for health promotion and a resource for information about prevention strategies in the community.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of individual and community risk reduction techniques and be a consultant to physicians, industry, and government for program development and evaluation.
- The preventive medicine and public health share the objectives of promoting general health, preventing specific diseases, and applying the concepts and techniques of epidemiology toward these goals.
- Primary prevention: keeps the disease process from becoming established by eliminating causes of disease or increasing resistance to disease.
- Secondary prevention: interrupts the disease process before it becomes symptomatic.
- Tertiary prevention: limits the physical and social consequences of symptomatic disease.
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